みらい資産 -資産シミュレーションアプリ-

by Otaki Shinya



Based on the input asset, income, and expense data, the graph displays the changes in assets over the next 30 years.By changing the input values, you can simulate various situations.It is also possible to reflect the annual base increase amount in the income.It takes a little time to enter the data for the first time, but once you enter the data, you can view the latest predictions at any time by changing some of the values.There is also a feature that allows you to answer a few questions and automatically enter basic information.Even in this case, you can change the input information later.Data entered in this app, such as assets and income, will be saved within the device and will not be sent externally.[Input screen explanation]On the current asset input screen, enter the current balance of your bank account, etc.On the income (monthly) entry screen, enter your take-home income such as your monthly salary.Enter the annual base increase amount in the base increase amount.On the income (bonus) entry screen, enter the take-home pay from summer bonuses, winter bonuses, etc.On the post-retirement income (monthly) entry screen, enter your post-retirement income from pensions, etc.On the event income input screen, enter any extraordinary income that will occur in the future.On the expense (monthly) input screen, enter your average monthly expenses such as living expenses and loans.On the event expenditure entry screen, enter extraordinary expenditures such as car purchases and travel.On the recurring event expenditure entry screen, enter expenditures that occur every year or every two years.For example, enter vehicle inspection costs as recurring expenses every two years.Each input data will not be reflected in the graph unless the start year (or both start year and end year) is entered.For event expenditures and income, the year of occurrence must be entered.